Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A FREE ebook, no strings attached

No matter who you are, where you are, or what you believe, you can find much in this free ebook to cheer about. I'm probably 80% through the first reading but I've already chewed much food for thought.

I have fought back tears more than once while reading this book, because big boys don't cry even if they want to.

(I'll deal with that last bit of hogwash in another post, but not today.)

There are no strings attached. Not that I can see, anyway. Yes, you can purchase a hard copy of the book if you desire, but all that is required to receive the free download of the book is to give its authors your email address. Wary of that? Simply go to yahoo.com (or any other free email service) and get a free email address and then use that address for your free download and thereby keep your regular email box free from unwanted clutter.

I know many people on my Facebook friends list (224 and counting--wow! I should blog about that, too...but another day) who are already aware of the importance of this ebook's subject matter. They should read it nonetheless, just because it will resonate with them and reinforce truths of which they've already gotten a glimpse somewhere along the way.

Am I making any income from this "plug?" Nope, none whatsoever. Am I affiliated in any way with the authors? Nope, other than being a fan of the book even before having finished it.

Some things in life really are free, so don't be skeptical. In my humble opinion, you'll be glad you went to http://www.givetolivebook.com/ and downloaded "Give to Live."

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